This web site has been created for the purpose of offering users thorough information about Sidra Pomar Company as well as to offer different ways to communicate or contact us.
Moreover, it offers a possibility to access information about promotion executed by Sidra Pomar.
The registered office of Sidra Pomar for the purpose of this legal notice is Villa 3, 33520 Nava - Asturias - España.
You may contact us in the following numbers an e-mail address:
-Telephone: 985 716 770
Access and use conditions of this web site are subject to legislation in force just as principles in good faith and lawful use thereof. Therefore, it is generally forbidden any type of action to the detriment of Sidra Pomar or adverse to this Legal Notice.
The user undertakes to use this service without falling into activities may be considered as unlawful or may break Sidra Pomar's or third persons’ rights and also may damage, disable, overload or spoil service or hinder the normal use thereof.
The user shall abstain from making contents requests offered by this web site using ways or procedures different from those have been set out or indicated in the web site or regularly used in Internet provided that they do not imply service and its contents may be disabled.
This web use with illegal or not authorized purposes is forbidden. Specifically and without precise nature, some of these prohibitions are:
· Any third persons’ rights violation (right of privacy, right to the own image, industrial and intellectual property rights, etc.).
· To do any type of publicity such as junk mail (spam) or similar communication using this web site contents.
· To introduce computer virus, defective files or any other software of computer programme may produce damages or alterations not authorized of contents in this web site approachable systems.
Rights of reproduction, distribution and public communication belong to this web site whose holder is Sidra Pomar. All texts, designs, contents, structure, data base, logos, codes and any other element thereof are protected by legislation and international Treaties in force about this matter. Sidra Pomar has the necessary intellectual property rights to exploit this web site and integral elements thereof.
Any reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other type of exploitation of this web content accomplished any way either electronic or mechanical or other is strictly prohibited. The infringement of these rights shall cause the exercise of the appropriate judicial proceedings either civil or/ and criminal.
Sidra Pomar is holder of brand names, logos and domain names associated to the services rendered through this web so reproduction or non-authorized use thereof is strictly prohibited.
All the personal data provided from this web site to make any kind of request, order, information sending, suggestion or similar are subject to our Privacy Policy whose content is integral part of this Legal Notice and use standards.
The user shall be liable for infringements or damages may cause to third persons due to an improper or unlawful use of this web site.
Sidra Pomar is not liable for damages may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer virus, telephone breakdowns or operation disconnection of electronic or computer system provided that they are produced by causes not related to the company. Furthermore, Alas is not liable for delays or use blocks of such systems caused for failures or telephone overloads as well as Internet system or other electronic system overloads.
Users use hyperlinks at their own risk. Links we find in web site are set up for the purpose of informing and it does not imply any type of association with those linked sites or recommendation about products or services rendered thereof. Sidra Pomar does not guarantee the conditions or lawful contents or correct rendering of services to users offered by third parties whose access is through links set up in these pages. Also, Alas shall not be liable for links its clients may create through their own web sites.
Sidra Pomar is released from responsibility regarding to “cookies” that third persons may install in the hard disk of user’s computer.
As well, Sidra Pomar shall not be liable for typographical mistakes or inaccuracies may be appreciated in its web site contents.
Without notice, Sidra Pomar reserves right to optionally and temporarily provide access to its web site as well as to modify, update, correct the presentation, Legal Notice, service conditions, or this web site use and conditions at any moment provided that it is done in compliance with the legislation in force.
To every lawsuit derived from interpretation, application and/or fulfilment of this legal notice as well as complaints derived from use shall be applied Spanish laws.
In the case of conflict, participants agree to submit to Spanish Judges and Courts expressly declining other jurisdiction may be applied.